April 26, 2011

Easter = Family + Chocolate :)

I love holidays. They automatically mean family time. Easter is no exception and this weekend we had lots of family time. Grace was the star of the show as usual, with everyone marvelling over how beautiful she is and how much she has grown. I agree, of course.

Our pretty girl, Easter Sunday.
She soaked up the attention, smiling when people talked to her and squealing when they turned their heads and she wanted them to talk to her again. Apparently the Easter Bunny brought Grace her voice, because all of a sudden she is screaming and squealing like never before!

Letting out a squeal!
We had a busy weekend with lots of visiting, late nights and a lack of sleep. Grace's sleep schedule (if you can call it that) was thrown off and the fact that she's teething didn't seem to help matters (we can feel something sharp when she bites our fingers, but can't see anything). I was happy to get her back into a routine last night! The Easter Bunny was good to her and left her another pile of loot at Nanny and Grampy's house! I must say - her favourite gift of all was the tissue paper in the gift bags. LOL

Checking out her Easter basket from Easter Bunny!

We had a delicious turkey dinner on Easter Sunday and it was followed up by a yummy cheesecake and just a few chocolate treats. I may be 26 years old, but my Mom has a hard time letting go of traditions I guess. She still does up a basket of treats for us "kids" from Easter Bunny. Check out my basket!

I know...yum! I have made a significant dent in it already! I dreaded stepping on the scale yesterday (Monday) for my weekly weigh-in, but by some strange miracle, I managed to lose 1 lb (down to 143.6). I'm sure next week's weigh-in will not go so well, because I'm pretty sure the chocolate will be gone by then! I can't waste it! Easter Bunny gave it to me! ;)

Yesterday was a beautiful spring day and I was just itching to get outside! I decided to venture out for a walk on the trail with Grace (to burn off some of those mini eggs). It was so nice and peaceful. The sun was shining and all I could hear was the birds chirping and the stroller wheels turning on the gravel. This was my first time on the trail (we usually walk along the road) and I loved it! I will definitely be getting out there more often. Grace apparently found it peaceful too, because she fell asleep after 5 minutes and slept the whole hour we were gone! Bonus! :)

My peaceful little sleeper! :)
After walking for a few minutes, I decided to try jogging for a bit. I didn't intend to do this and was not really prepared for it. I didn't have a sports bra on (I normally wear 3 when I workout) and I didn't have my good sneakers on. I was just in one of those moods though, so I decided to take advantage of it. I checked the time on my cell phone (2:36) and started running (well, I call it running, but it's more like a slow jog, lol). I decided that I would just run as long as I could and wouldn't look at the time until I was done and absolutely couldn't go any further. Running with a stroller is way harder than it looks (especially when it's not a jogging stroller). The wheels kept turning on me and my arms were tired just from pushing. I was determined to keep going though.

Running felt good. I had forgotten how exhilarating it was. I stopped a few times along the way to get a drink and to do some dips/push ups on the benches (I know...I was that strange person, lol). Each time I was tempted to look at the time, but stuck to my guns and just kept on going until I couldn't go any longer. The sweat was pouring off me (the fact that I was wearing a hoody probably didn't help, but there was no way I was taking it off...it was hiding the fact that I didn't have my sports bras on)! I ran until my legs felt like Jello!

When I finally stopped, I looked at the time and realized that I had been running for 45 minutes (it was 3:21)! I was shocked and incredibly proud of myself. Mind you, I had stopped a few times like I said, but not for very long at all. I wish I had of paid attention to the km markings on the trail, because I have no idea how far I ran. Next time I'll watch for sure. That 5K doesn't seem as scary now! :) There is no way I could have run that long before I started bootcamp. I guess my cardio improved a little more than I thought (although I still have a long way to go). I still find it hard to run a few laps at bootcamp and I still feel like throwing up after doing burpees! That just goes to show you that I didn't run very fast yesterday and that's why I could go longer! However, I'm still happy I was able to do it and look forward to trying it again!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter and that you have a great week! :)

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